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Cancellation & Refund

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Cancellation & Refund

Cancellation & Refund

The terms for the cancellation and refund set forth below ("Cancellation & Refund Policy") constitute a legally-binding agreement between the Company and the User.


In the unlikely scenario wherein any product delivered by Vendor is found to have any defect at the time of the delivery, the User shall have the option to return the product at the time of the delivery and the Vendor agrees to refund the amount paid by him/her through the same source from which the payment was made to the Vendor. It is specifically agreed by the User that the User shall accept the delivery of the Product(s) only after thoroughly satisfying himself/ herself about the quality of the Product(s).

In case the Products rented are damaged due to some act or omission of the Vendor, the User will be liable for any and all compensation, replacement or rectification as agreed between the User and the Vendor. The User hereby agrees that Vendor will be solely responsible for any loss caused due to any such act or omission of the Vendor. In no event the Company shall be held liable for any act or omission of the Vendor and or the User. The Vendor undertakes to rectify or Compensate or replace the defective Product(s). Please note that in case a product is damaged due to mishandling by the User, the User shall have to bear the charges towards the repair of the same. In such a case, the User shall also have the option to seek a replacement product after paying the repair charges.

Company Disclaimer: The Company exercises no control over the quality, safety or legality of Products listed, or over the truthfulness or accuracy of the Listing, or over the ability of Vendor to rent the Products or over the ability of the User to pay for the rental of such goods. Any fees or guarantees required by the Vendor shall be decided by the Vendor and will be covered in the Listing. The Company is not an and shall not be responsible for collecting, holding, retaining and refunding such fees for rental of any Listed Products for a duration of such rental cycle.


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